Language Australia - Old fashion outback local slang and lingo There is some unconventional English in our local dialect around Darwin. As the miners, chaps from the cattle stations or oil rigs come to town to relax you may hear it a bit stronger. Here we suggest a few sayings or words you may encounter on your stay in Darwin. Now as a word or saying may have a few variances in meaning we suggest you not use it though just know what it usually means so you can have a laugh when you hear it. You will note Australian's love humour and many offer sarcasm in jest. We often make a witty remark in the most dire of circumstances. Such as a cyclone is about to come your way and your mate say's 'Blimey mate better stock up on the beer'. True the last Cyclone 'Monica' that came through this general area - I was at Northlakes Shopping Centre the day before and I saw many trolley's full of beer coming out and being loaded on utes with a dog at the back - You just had to laugh. "Only in Darwin'. As Darwin now has a large number of folks moving here from south our language has mellowed over the last 20 years since i have been here. As you venture into the outback it becomes much more noticeable. Also I noticed that lingo meaning can vary between the states in Australia. The other interesting aspect of the way we speak is some of us speak very quickly and the further you go into the outback we often tend to draw out our words. The reason we tend to speak quickly that was offered to me when I first arrived in Darwin was that it gave you more time to drink. (That's Darwin). Interesting note we now consume wine and spirits nearly as much as we do beer. Note: The author doesn't drink and yes he is a true Darwinian. Another interesting aspect of Darwin is the dogs. They live like kings and everyone seems to have 1-2. A typical scene at 5.30 pm on a Friday is a ute (4WD with a tray back) towing a tinnie (smaller fishing boat) and a dog in the front passenger seat with its head out the window gulping at the fresh air on Stuart Highway. |
Lingo |
Why not have a look our lingo/slang if you're visiting from overseas it's fun. We don't suggest you use it unless you're with locals who are friends as the sayings may sometimes a few different types of meaning. |
Heaps | Lot's of something |
Ged Hey | Hello - To reply just say 'Hi - how are you' |
How's it hangin | Cheeky way of saying hello - To reply just say just say 'Ok how are you' |
How's it goin | Hello - To reply just say just say 'Ok thanks how are you' |
I reckon | I feel I think |
See ya later | Goodbye and we will see each other again |
See you round | We will meet again |
Catch up | We will meet again |
Cheerio | Goodbye, "see ya later"! |
In a blue moon | Once in a while |
Just joshin | Just kidding or just joking |
Lingo | Language |
Mate | A name for anyone man you meet, or if you can't remember someone's name, or an expression of affection amongst male or female friends |
Hava gander at | To have a glimpse at something |
You Beaut | Congratulations or Looks good (actually it can means a few things) |
True blue | Genuinely Australian |
Blimey | Actually I counted many areas this could be use in - most relevant is here we would so Blimey mate (meaning your enforcing what your going to say) |
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WORDS WE CUT IN HALF AND ADD 'ie' TOO If you look at a lot of lingo we tend to cut the word in half and just add 'ie'. Tinnie, Bickie, Brekkie, Barbie - the reason yep cut the word down so there's more time to drink they said. You have to laugh. Here are some of the 100's we use daily |
Aussie | An Australian |
Barbie | Barbecue, the backyard barbie is an Australian institution - a grill fuelled by charcoal or gas |
Saltie | Crocodile |
Cockie | Cockroach |
Mozzie | Mosquito |
Cockie | Cockatoo |
Tinnie | Approx. 14 foot steel or aluminium boat with an outboard motor for fishing |
Crappie | Not pleasant |
Bikkie | Biscuit |
Brekkie | Breakfast |
Crikie | This can be a sign of amazement or sign of disapproval- again depends on the situation and body language of the person saying it. |
Cozzies | Swimming gear |
Cushie | To have it easy |
Big bikkies | Ample money |
Pokie | Poker machines, slot or fruit machines |
Pollie |
Politician |
Pozzie | Position or seat |
Scratchie | Instant lottery ticket |
Sickie | Paid day off work, usually not due to illness |
Chuck a sickie | Paid day off work, usually not due to illness |
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Our Affection With Weather | |
Gone Troppo | Used in the 1940's till 1980's. Mainly referring to certain folks in Darwin that were affected by the humidity build-up between November and January. Now days we have air-conditioning everywhere so no such problem. |
Goin round the bend | Mainly referring to certain folks in Darwin that were affected by the humidity build-up between November and January. Now days we have air-conditioning everywhere so no such problem. |
P*&^%$ Down | Mean's raining heavily. Oh when you hear P*&^%$ you will know what we mean. |
Raining Buckets | Mean's raining heavily. |
Raining Cats and Dogs | Mean's raining heavily. |
Belting down | Mean's raining heavily. |
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Our Affection With Tomato Sauce | |
Fair suck of the sauce bottle | To receive a fair go |
Dead Horse | Tomato Sauce |
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Money | |
Scrapnel | Coins |
Loss Change | Coins |
$20 Note | Redback >>>>> Very rarely used - have only heard it on a few occasions - mainly in the 60's in the deep bush when decimal currency was introduced. I actually haven't heard it used since the early 70's myself |
$10 Note | Whaler - A it was blue in colour >>>>> Very rarely used -have only heard it on a few occasions - mainly in the 60's in the deep bush when decimal currency was introduced. I actually haven't heard it used since the early 70's myself |
$5 Note | Pink Lady - As it had a picture of the Queen
one it >>>>> Very rarely used -have only heard it on a few occasions - mainly in the 60's in the deep bush when decimal currency was introduced. I actually haven't heard it used since the early 70's myself |
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Drinking | |
Grog | Alcohol |
Darwin Stubby | A 2.25 litre bottle of beer made famous as the largest beer bottle in the world. Now days it's purchase as gifts and souvenirs. Thanks Pablo |
Coldie | Bottle or can of beer |
Shandy | This is a beer and lemonade mixed |
Anzac Shandy | This is a beer and champagne mixed |
Your Shout | Meaning it's your turn to buy the drinks |
Your round | Meaning it's your turn to buy the drinks |
Slab | A Carton of beer |
Tinnie | One can of beer |
Greenie | One can of Victoria Bitter |
Dodgie | Not approving of or unsure of someone or a situation or product. |
One for the road | Supposedly last drink - but in reality expect another 2-3 more after this. |
Amber Nectar | Beer |
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TIME | |
Arvo | Afternoon |
Half Past | 30 minutes past the hour |
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FOOD | |
Dig In | Begin Eating |
Chow Time | Time to eat |
Luncho | Lunch time |
Tea | This can mean dinner time around 6pm |
Smoko | A break from work in-between breakfast, lunch or dinner |
On the nose | Smelly food usually |
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Easy to spot | Easy to see and easy to find |
Back of Bourke | Used to describe anywhere far away, also a far Northern NSW town in the Outback. |
Black Stump | Very remote |
As the crow flies | A straight line of sight Point A to Point B |
Big smoke | The city |
Billabong | Waterhole |
Woop Woop | Back of beyond or the middle of nowhere |
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Idiot box | Television |
Akubra | Brand of typical Aussie hat |
Didgeridoo | Aboriginal musical instrument made from a hollowed log |
Boomerang | Aboriginal weapon made from a curved piece of wood which returns when thrown in the air |
Tinnie | Approx. 14 foot steel or aluminium boat with an outboard motor for fishing |
Ute | Utility van or 4WD Car with tray top |
Scratchie | Instant lottery ticket |
Long Drop | Toilet - with a deep hole in the ground |
Thunderbox | Toilet |
Dunny | Toilet |
Crapper | Toilet |
Loo | Toilet |
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Onya | Good for you |
Cool Bananas | Everything's great |
On Yah | A sound of approval |
You little bewdy | I think you're or it's great |
You little ripper | I think you're or it's great |
Bonza | A sound of approval ie his a Bonza Bloke - good fellow |
On Yah China | A compliment of types |
Come here China | Come here mate- China was an affectionate name for a good bloke or worker or mate. |
On Yah bro | A compliment of types |
Rightie Oh | A sound of approval |
You bet | A sound of approval |
Crikie | This can be a sign of amazement or sign of disapproval- again depends on the situation and body language of the person saying it. |
Razzle Dazzle me | Impress me |
Good Looka | Attractive |
Good Sort | Attractive |
Ripper | Approval |
Dinkum | Originally - Old England too work hard - now if you add 'Fair to Dinkum" it can mean is it true what you're saying |
Bloody oath | In total agreement with you |
Crash hot | The best |
Cushie | To have it easy |
Ridgy-didge | Genuine or honest |
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WHEN THINGS ARE NOT GOOD Any quotes of a inappropriate nature were not included....there are quite a few |
Whinge | Too Complain |
Muck-Up | To make a mess of something |
Lets Blue | To request a fight |
Got the Blues | When you're feeling bad |
Bollocks | Disapproval |
Browned off | Upset at someone or something |
Bugger | Upset at something |
Buzz off | Leave me alone |
U wanna blue | To request a fight |
Fair go mate | Sometimes indicates the other person may be upset at something |
For sure | Can be approval or disapproval - You just have to at the person and read the body langauge |
It's curtains for you | You're in trouble (Terry F. our friends say's it's venetian blinds for everyone.) |
Crappie | Not pleasant |
Crikie | This can be a sign of amazement or sign of disapproval- again depends on the situation and body language of the person saying it. |
Fair Go Mate | Indicating your disapproval |
Mate don't cross me | Don't upset or trick me |
Don't get in me road | Don't upset me and get out of my way |
Damme | Disapproval |
Dickey | On the blink- works sometimes |
Not On Your Life | You will never do something |
Loose your nuts | A sexual connotation about if you don't do something right there will be consequences |
'Ava go ya mug | Can mean to fight or to try something |
Barney | Argument or fight |
Bingle | Car accident |
Cop out | Give up or in |
Spit the dummy | Uncontrollably upset |
Strewth | I don't believe it |
Strife | Trouble |
Troppo | Slightly mad or from being in the sun too long |
Zonked | Exhausted |
Dead as a door nail | Really dead |
Kicked the bucket | Died |
Nose out of joint | Upset at something or some one |
He went out sideways | Died unusual death |
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Hang On A Minute |
To wait Ahhhhhhhh - Now best in Darwin to wait your turn. It may seem on the rare occasion some staff in front of you don't care and are too busy on the phone talking about tonight's dinner or chatting to someone about their brothers aunties sisters cousins daughters husband's next door neighbours xmas party. If you patiently wait your turn they will spend dedicated time with you. This is Tropical Darwin - so relax and enjoy it's quaint ways!!!! (David A. this is dedicated to your experience in Darwin hahaha) |
Brouse | To look only not buy |
Lets Go Dutch | Share the bill |
Do A Runner | Not pay the bill and escape |
Being Fleeced | Means the shopper is taking advantage of you |
Barbie | Barbecue, the backyard barbie is an Australian institution - a grill fuelled by charcoal or gas |
BBQ | Barbecue, the backyard barbie is an Australian institution - a grill fuelled by charcoal or gas |
Snag | Sausage |
Big bikkies | Ample money |
Billy | Tin used to boil water for tea, in the bush |
Bikkie | Biscuit |
Brekky | Breakfast |
Chuck | To throw up, or be sick |
Cozzies | Swimming gear |
Esky | Australian - famous - Insulated cooler box |
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Aussie | An Australian |
Kid | Child |
Carpet Muncher | A cute kid or it can be an annoying little child crawling around mischiefly on the carpet. |
Bloke | Man |
Bro | Man |
Digger | Man |
Chick | Woman |
Skirt | Woman |
Shela | An affectionate term for a woman |
Old Fossil | Geriatric an old person |
Bumkin | Country Chap - Not worldly |
Scrubs up well | Implying a person can look great when they put on decent clothes |
Blow-in | A newcomer |
Blue Heeler | Term for an Australian Cattle Dog |
Blue or Bluey | A redheaded person |
Brumby | A wild horse |
Grapevine | Word of mouth |
Bush Telegraph | Word of mouth |
Cockie | Cockroach |
Mozzie | Mosquito |
Cockie | Cockatoo |
Croc | Crocodile |
Saltie | Crocodile |
Croweater | Person from South Australia (state) |
Mexican | Person from Victoria (state) - Bill's Reminising!!! He calls them mudlarks |
South of the border | Person from Victoria (state) |
Banana Bender | Person from Queensland (state) |
Cornstalk | Bill's Reminising!!!New South Wales folks - called that by old locals |
Territorians | Bill's Reminising!!! Known as whiteants |
Sandgroper | Bill's Reminising!!! People from Western Australia |
Apple Eaters | Bill's Reminising!!! People from Tasmania |
Tassie | Tasmania |
Cuppa | Cup of tea |
I''m Bushed | I'm Tired |
Roo | Kangaroo |
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Folks we have purposely ommitted all the sexual connotations here as this is a tourism site | |
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WORK | |
Call It A Day | To stop work |
Contraption | Usual said by an older person refering to an old piece or new of electronics or machinery they don't understand |
Dinkum | Orginally - Old england too work hard - now if you add 'Fair to Dinkum" it can mean is it true what your saying |
Jackaroo | A male cattle station worker on bike or horseback |
Jillaroo | A female cattle station worker on bike or horseback |
Bludger | Sponger borrows and never pays back |
Bust a gut | Work hard |
Slog It out | Work hard to the end |
Yakka | Hard work |
Our senses of sight and sound are flooded every day
by film and TV. Though if you take a real holiday especially along
the coast or the great Australian outback then your other senses
of smell and touch will come alive as well. Let a Darwin sunset
on Mindil Beach warm up your senses to smelling the pristine outback
wilderness of the remote outback Kimberley. When you travel in Australia
folks don't just gaze but look and you will see amazing Australian
flora and fauna. If you're a family, couple or friends you will
create memories most likely from the small things that you experience
on the trip such as a butterfly sitting on your cup of tea whilst
you're at a roadside stop on the Banks of the Ord River.
We see and hear every day travel is a experience actually it's
an achievement - like to catch sunset at very minute the sun touch
the oceans horizon from the viewing points along the Great Ocean
Plan your holiday so you travel like never before and interact
with fellow like minded adventure travellers, the locals and their
Catch a fish then both of you take a selfie and give your finned
friend a new lease on life and throw it back.
Taste real fusion Aussie/Asian cuisine or just great fish and
chips the Aussie way.
If Marg and Rob have to have a motto then it would be 'plan well,
travel at your own leisure and enjoy the little things Australia
has to offer you'.
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us | fill
in a quote request | call
Australian 4 Wheel Drive Rentals will help you plan
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time to travel in Australia
tips on driving along Australian roads
camper and motorhome supplies
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Australia 4 Wheel Drive Rentals
Australian Business No. 54 561 356 425
Australia 4 Wheel Drive Rentals Group - 48 Cavenagh Street Darwin,
GPO Box 3410, Darwin Australia
Telephone International: +61 8 7999 7511
within Australia Toll free: 1800 107 371
within Australia: 08 7999 7511
[email protected]
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-7pm EST | Sat-Sun and Public Holidays
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